Looking for a Walk-In or Same-Day Appointment?

We now have artists every day of the week for walk-ins or last-minute tattoo appointments.

Just call or come on by starting at 11am!

Looking to Schedule a Future Appointment?

Our tattoo artists are independent contractors who set their own rates and policies, book their own appointments, and manage their own schedules.

To book an appointment with a specific artist, please visit the ‘Meet Our Artists’ page for information on how to schedule an appointment with your preferred artist.


If you want to book a tattoo and have not chosen an artist, we encourage you to check out our ‘Meet Our Artists’ page and visit our artist’s Instagram pages to find out more about each of our artist’s styles and find the best artist for your tattoo.  

If you’re still not sure, feel free to submit a general inquiry by clicking HERE and include as much information as you can about the subject and style of the tattoo you are wanting, and we will help you find the artist who will be the best fit for your project.

Please be aware that our artists require a deposit when you book your appointment. Your deposit will be applied to the total cost of your tattoo.